This award will recognise an organisation that can demonstrate an exemplar approach to minimising environmental impact. Judges will be looking for credible, results-driven examples that illustrate how your organisation is committed to delivering environmental excellence across the board. The entry should focus on UK-centric initiatives and achievements.

Entrants should provide:

200 word (maximum): Overview of the company’s environmental strategy and key targets, as well as a clear explanation of the steps your organisation has taken in the past year to bolster its green credentials.

800 word (maximum): Entry based around the following criteria:

  • Measurement. Demonstrate that there is a clear plan in place to achieve your targets. Provide details of measurable reductions/improvements against short- and long-term goals to date.
  • Initiatives to lower environmental impact. This can cover all areas that have an environmental cost - from supply chain optimisation, transport, travel, promoting zero waste to landfill, energy and/or water efficiency, recycling and waste minimisation; to the use of green suppliers or materials, switching to green energy or improving building efficiency; through to involvement in community/CSR activities that have delivered a reduction in carbon emissions.
  • Community engagement. Showcase how staff, partners, suppliers or customers have benefited as a result of being involved in specific projects. Provide evidence of any positive impact on employees and the wider impact on your local community through projects such as volunteering, pro-bono support or donations.
  • Recognition. Include details of environmental accreditations held and any accolades recognising your achievements in sustainable development.

7 Amherst House, 22 London Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 2BT

01732 759 725


Kingswood Tech Events Limited is a private limited company registered in England and Wales. The company number is 12288414 and the registered address is Woodlands, 415 Limpsfield Rd, Warlingham, Surrey, United Kingdom, CR6 9HA.